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Female Bladder Leakage Types & Treatments

Have you ever felt the need to pee urgently, especially when you laugh too hard or tend to pick heavy weights? Ever wondered why that happens? Your bladder, when full, gets pressurized to release its contents which results in the sudden urge to pee.

This is quite common while doing intense workouts or laughing too hard. Being a little overweight can also put pressure on your balder thereby decreasing your threshold to hold your pee in. Bladder leakage occurs when, due to certain conditions, your bladder is unable to hold your urine in.

It is predominantly common in women who have undergone vaginal birth or are pregnant. Let’s understand what bladder leakage really is, where it stems for, how it is characterized, and what one can do to address this condition.

Understanding bladder leakage:

Bladder leakage is nothing but the inability of the bladder to hold in your urine in a manner that it should. In fact, this problem is more severe than it sounds. Bladder leakage often results as one of the consequences of another internal condition waiting to be addressed.

Women often fall prey to bladder leakage due to conditions like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and other hormonal issues. It is quite common in this regard. Bladder leakage largely occurs due to loosening of pelvic floor muscles which pave the way for urinary incontinence in the long run.

As per the Continence Foundation of Australia, here are the distinct features of a healthy bladder:

  • Urge to urinate every 3-4 hours at the least, in other words, 4-8 times a day.
  • A healthy bladder can hold up to 400-600 ml of urine with the urgency to urinate setting in at 200-300 ml.
  • You may feel a serious urgency to go pee but it is not so sudden. In addition to that, you can hold it in for long enough until you find a restroom.
  • There is no leakage or dribbling of urine even during cases of serious urgency to pee.

Any condition that deviates from the above-mentioned description can be due to a result of bladder leakage. In men, this condition usually occurs due to overweightness or prostrate disorders. However, it is quite manageable and curable.

Why is bladder leakage more common in women than men?

It is a scientific fact that women have better lower body strength than that in their upper bodies. It also means they have better pelvic bone muscles than men. However, women also undergo situations like childbirth and menopause too.

This takes a toll on the health and strength of pelvic floor muscles in the long run. Women who’ve experienced vaginal birth are at greater risk of developing bladder leakage later in life. Weight gain, exercise, and internal injury to the bladder walls can also be some of the other cause of experiencing bladder leakage in women.

Even the men of Australia are not quite immune to bladder leakage. Although the condition is more prevalent in women, men also can fall prey to it. nervous damage is one of the most common factors of developing this disorder.

In cases of nerve damage, a drastic communication gap occurs between the signals of the brain and the function of the bladder which sometimes prevents your bladder from holding in the urine.

What are the different types of bladder leakage issues that women undergo?

As per the root cause of the disorder, bladder leakage is classified into 5 broad categories:

  • Stress incontinence:

This phenomenon is quite common in women especially those who have undergone pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause. In this condition, the pelvic floor muscles are greatly strained and weekend over time leading to stress incontinence.

Its triggers include lifting heavy weights, laughing too much, sneezing, coughing, and exercise. Working out your pelvic floor muscles can go a long way in bringing this issue under control efficiently. 

Pregnancy and weight gain can also sometimes lead to temporary stress incontinence which puts your bladder under pressure. performing Kegel exercises regularly can pave the way for stronger pelvic muscles and ligaments.

In addition to that, ensure that you keep emptying your bladder regularly so that you don’t create unnecessary stress. Losing the excess fat and flab around your abdomen also helps in the long run.  

  • Urge incontinence:

As the name suggests, urge incontinence is characterized by a sudden and strong urge to urinate which results in peeing in your clothes itself. The call of nature, in this case, is so sudden and urgent that many women are unable to make it to the restroom on time thereby causing considerable leakage.

This often occurs due to the nerve or muscle damage to the bladder or the surrounding tissues. Some conditions may also cause spasms in the bladder wall leading to urge incontinence. Significant damage to the nervous system may also result in miscommunication between the brain and the bladder with regards to urinary function.

In order to eradicate this issue, ensure that you choose a diet that favors your bladder. Fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals are good for your gut and bladder. Stay away from spicy foods, aerated drinks, oily food, caffeine, and alcohol.

Also, staying hydrated also helps deal with urge incontinence. Dehydration can result in over-acidity which may irritate your bladder thereby further aggravating your condition. Therefore, ensure that you stay consciously hydrated.

  • Overflow incontinence:

This condition is quite common than the others. When your bladder is not able to completely empty itself through the day, it leads to almost constant dribbling which can cause tremendous inconvenience.

Since the bladder never fully empties itself, there is always some urine in the bladder which increases the chances of urinary tract infections in the long run. A blocked urethra, kidney stones, or pelvic organ prolapse can also lead to overflow incontinence.

  • Functional incontinence:

This is nothing but a condition which causes bladder leakage to malfunction of certain another body part. For instance, an individual with arthritis may find it difficult to make their way to the restroom and unbutton their pants despite being able to feel the pressure well enough.

Also, some mental conditions may prevent certain individuals from emptying their bladder on time. Being depressed or anxious may cause oversleeping which may sometimes result in bladder leakage unconsciously. 

  • Mixed incontinence:

As the name suggests, mixed incontinence occurs when an individual suffers from 2 or more bladder leakage issues at the same time. This is quite possible, especially in pregnant women. Women who have recently given birth or are undergoing menopause may also experience the symptoms of mixed incontinence rather strongly. 

Is bladder leakage accompanied by other complications?

Bladder leakage can sometimes also be accompanied by other health issues as well. in fact, the consequences are not just limited to physical imbalances. Many people start feeling ashamed and embarrassed about their bladder leakage issues. This may lead to a hampered social outcome.

Some individuals like younger women may tend to take it seriously thereby causing a hindrance in their mental health. Depression and anxiety may set in in the long run.

Frequent urination may also result in rashes and sores in the genital area. In addition to that, if an individual uses a catheter to address the bladder leakage, urinary tract infections may also occur.

Most women under prolapse in which the internal muscles weaken causing the vagina, bladder, and urethra to accumulate near the entrance of the vagina. This is a common occurrence in conditions of weekend pelvic floor muscles.

How can it be addressed?

Until recently, the only solution for bladder leakage was to undergo invasive surgery to remove any sort of blockage there may be which disrupts the smooth outgoing of urine from the bladder. Catheterization may also cause almost immediate relief from overflow incontinence.

Here are a few methods which you can employ to get rid of this condition at the earliest:

  • Practice pelvic floor muscle exercises or kegel exercises every day.
  • Ensure that you work out regularly to prevent loosening of pelvic floor muscles
  • Cut down on caffeine, alcohol, and smoking
  • Losing weight paves the way for preventing bladder leakage. Therefore, try and get rid of the excess fat and flab if you’re overweight
  • Keep emptying your bladder at regular intervals instead of waiting for the pressure to arise
  • Avoid heavy exercises or lifting heavy weights since it may stress your bladder causing immediate leakage

Non-invasive treatments like the EMSELLA chair also work tremendously well in this regard getting rid of your disorder from its root. Let’s understand more about the EMSELLA chair.

How does EMSELLA chair work in this regard?

The EMSELLA chair is scientifically designed to address bladder leakage at its root cause. Urinary incontinence or bladder leakage basically arises due to loose pelvic muscles or damage to the nerves of the bladder walls.

The average rate of contractions in the EMSELLA chair is 11,000 in 28 minutes. These are extremely mild and pose no inconvenience whatsoever. These electromagnetic contractions work wonders in targeting your pelvic floor muscles in the long run.

It helps you regain control over your pelvic floor muscles thereby addressing bladder leakage quite effectively. When addressed regularly and effectively, your pelvic floor muscles can go back to performing at their optimum best as they did originally.

What are the benefits of using an EMSELLA Chair for treating bladder leakage?

  • No prior arrangements needed:

You don’t need to get into a hospital gown or loose clothing for the EMSELLA chair to work its magic. Yes, you do need to wear comfortable, breathable clothes but nothing more than that. There is no need for any prior arrangements before you hop onto the magic chair!

  • Patient remains at ease during treatment:

There are no specific instructions to be followed during the EMSELLA treatment session. The patient can sit at ease during the process and allow the chair to do its work.

  • Safe and effective:

The EMSELLA chair has been cleared by the FDA as safe and absolutely free of side effects. In fact, there are no reported cases of patients suffering adversely instead of benefitting from the EMSELLA chair. In other words, you can rest assured of your treatment sessions with the EMSELLA chair.

  • Painless and non-invasive:

Since you only need to sit on the chair while the waves run through your body, there is no pain involved. At the most, you may feel intense vibrations making you uncomfortable in the beginning, but it only gets better with time.

The treatment is non-invasive meaning there is no surgery involved. It is as simple and easy as sitting on a rocking chair!

  • Immediate resumption of activities:

There is no recovery period involved when it comes to the EMSELLA chair treatment for bladder leakage. As soon as your session is done, you can immediately go about resuming your daily activities there is no rest period or buffer needed before you start carrying out your physical regular work.  

  • Comfortable and convenient:

All you have to do is sit on the chair and let it do its job. Yes, you may feel intense vibrations in the initial phase of your treatment, but one gets accustomed to it pretty soon.

  • Addresses all types of bladder leakage:

Be it stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or overflow incontinence, the EMSELLA chair can address them all. The root cause of all types of bladder leakage is loose pelvic floor muscles and the electromagnetic waves target exactly that.

Summing it up:

Urinary incontinence is one of the most inconvenient disorders to have which largely stems from harmless conditions. A little nudge to your pelvic muscles can go a long way in ensuring your health and wellbeing in addition to getting rid of urinary incontinence too.

This problem is more common in women due to childbirth and menopause although it can even occur in men. The EMSELLA Chair is suitable to address your bladder leakage no matter what the root cause of it is.

So what are you waiting for? Try the EMSELLA chair treatment today and watch your bladder leakage coming under control. It will seldom be a choice to regret!

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